Original Oil Paintings
Wild Horse Sand Dunes oil on canvas.
Aspen and Alpenglow on display at the Post in Centennial Wyoming
Cheyenne Buttes NB on display at the Post in Centennial
Mustangs and Neversummers NFS
Urique Beauty on display at NU2U Laramie WY
West Laramie Ponies on display at the Post in Centennial WY
View from Hecht Creek Ranch on display at the Post in Centennial
About Celeste Havener’s Original Oil Paintings
I began to oil paint about 18 years ago. When my husband broke his back during a horse wreck he needed to be in bed for three months. Keeping him in bed was easier said than done. I needed to be home to make sure he didn’t do something naughty. Like getting up. A dear friend, Penny Caldwell, who is an extraordinary artist among other things brought me a box of oil paints, brushes and canvases.
I had always wanted to try painting. Birdger Sandzen had inspired me since I was a child. He was from Kansas like me and saw the hints of color in the prairie landscape that others didn’t. I loved his work so sensual and full of color. So, sitting on the side of the Gary’s bed, with a borrowed easel, I began to paint. Here in Wyoming I don’t have to search for color or beauty. The skies are such brilliant clear blue that when you look up you can feel like you are falling into them. And the mountains… every day every hour the lighting and color change. I love painting my home.
All of my frames are custom built by my woodworker husband Gary Havener of Ace in the Hole Woodworks. Contact me to see what I have in stock or commission me to do a custom original oil paintings for you.